Happy Siblings Day Happy Siblings Day to my older and younger brother. If an Egyptian Caravan had been traveling through Kansas City or Springfield, I might have found myself for sale as well.
Easter Greetings I hope your Easter is a wonderful celebration! The tomb is empty! He has risen from the dead!
Good Friday Killing hundreds of people didn’t change the man in one way.Killing one man changed the man in hundreds of ways.Remember the worth of Good Friday!
Palm Sunday and Holy Week As Jesus entered the Holy City of Jerusalem, He had a welcoming committee of sorts.I hope this Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week go rather splendidly for you.
Fasting for Lent One feature people utilize during Lent is fasting. Giving up sweets, or other particular food favorites in exchange for growing deeper in devotion to Christ.Daniel and his friends gave up the riches of Babylon to increase their faith. I wish you all the best as your work through Lent fasting.
Lent: Preparation for Resurrection Celebration A part of Lent is in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection. The Upper Room Owner did some preparations too and did so without him getting any recognition.