Rising to the Occasion

The best donut I ever had was from a Mom and Pop shop in Natchez, Mississippi. Don’t go there. They closed shortly after I moved out of that town. You can draw whatever correlation you wish with the timing of my departure and their closing. There were other donut shops in town, but as one of the custodians said, “The others are too doughy.”

It was a regular occurrence for me to pop into the recreation center of First Baptist Church with a dozen of the glazed delicacies.… Read more

Bone To Pick

I occasionally get some of the Ole Miss Basketball players in my classes.  The roster this year indicates that nine of the twelve on the team are either in one of my classes or have had me in a previous class. At a convenient time, I let them know that earlier in my life I played in the NBA.  Of course, they start trying to figure out what the NBA stands for because, for some reason, it appears easy to see that professional basketball does not ethically belong on my resume.… Read more

David Waddell’s Podcasts

For those interested, here are a few podcasts for David Waddell when he spoke to the Orchard Church in Oxford, Mississippi.

The Call of Saul/Paul for Y’All –  http://theorchardoxford.net/?powerpress_pinw=1800-podcast

How to Wreck Your Life: Five Easy Steps – http://theorchardoxford.net/?powerpress_pinw=2143-podcast

Rescue Blues: Samson – http://theorchardoxford.net/?powerpress_pinw=2473-podcast

Taking Shape: Worship – http://theorchardoxford.net/?powerpress_pinw=3209-podcast

Such A Time As This

At times, I feel as though my entire life’s dedication is to barbecue. I was born in Kansas City, Missouri, which is famous for their barbecue. I went to seminary and worked six years for a church in Texas, which is known for barbecue. The past twenty-one years of my life has been in and around Memphis, Tennessee, also known for barbecue.

I often tell friends that my life is all about encouraging grill masters and meat smokers to achieve their best in their craft. It is a wonderful path to walk.… Read more

Rights versus Responsibilities

Evangelicals, I fear we have missed the bus. We got on the wrong boat. We made good time, but we are going in the wrong direction. We got sidetracked along the way. We have voiced our battle cries against the wrong team. We took up the wrong banner to influence our world. We fight for our religious rights, but in doing so, we forget our religious responsibilities.

What does that look like today? Let’s say, for example, you are a baker, a florist, or a restaurant owner.… Read more

24/7/365 Mother’s Day

It was one of those mornings where I didn’t want to go to school. I don’t recall if it was because of bullying, an exam, or that I didn’t want to spend all day sitting in a classroom. I walked into the kitchen where Mom was preparing our breakfast and told her I didn’t feel like going to school that day.

She reacted in a typical mother manner. She felt my forehead for a fever, looked in my mouth for any redness and asked if my stomach hurt.… Read more

I Come Not to Bury Wayne Dismuke, but to Praise Him

One Sunday morning during my junior year in high school, the pastor announced the church had hired a new youth minister. His name was Wayne Dismuke. Up to that point, I had attended the church for four years, and in that time the church had one youth minister resign and a new minister of activities filled in with some camps and socials in the interim. Following the service that evening, a group of the teenagers decided to grab some pizza. Wayne and his wife, Ann, were invited to join us.… Read more

He Gave Me Fish, But Not Just for the Halibut

It was easy to see the end was near for the old man.  He was quite ill and not seeming to show any improvements.  The family got together for what might be Grandpa’s last get together with us.  I was a senior in high school and had already lost Grandma (his wife) and my grandfather on Mom’s side.

Grandpa was opening the get well cards, and due to the circumstances, most of them were from the “sentimental” section of Hallmark’s selection.  He was getting rather emotional at the sentiment offered by the cards.… Read more

The Baton Passes

I never ran track. I possess an incredible amount of slowness. A few years ago, I watched a videotape a church member made for my son in which the church’s father and son softball team was playing. There were several men in the church with sons who were juniors or seniors in high school. Since I was the recreation minister, I put this group together for a team in the church sponsored men’s slow pitch softball league.

In the video, I get up to the plate for my at-bat and hit the ball down the right-field line.… Read more

A Memorial Tribute to a Mentor: Fee Fi Fo Fum He was a Giant Christian Man

The giants mentioned in the Bible are never on the side of the good guys.

Take Goliath for example. I can only imagine what it was like to be an Israelite soldier when the giant Philistine from Gath, stepped out and began trash talking the entire army. This huge soldier steps forth and challenges a one-on-one battle with any Israelite warrior. There is fear all around.

It was quite apparent Goliath was not leading the group in singing the camp and fellowship songs, In a Cabin in the Woods or Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree.… Read more