Fasting for Lent

One feature people utilize during Lent is fasting. Giving up sweets, or other particular food favorites in exchange for growing deeper in devotion to Christ.

Daniel and his friends gave up the riches of Babylon to increase their faith. I wish you all the best as your work through Lent fasting.

Pancake Tuesday?

I don’t care for grocery shopping. There are too many temptations, and some of the stuff may go bad before I can enjoy it. I make a list and then venture off the list in the candy, ice cream, and chips sections. When I check out, the cashier politely asks me if I found everything I need. I reply that I found numerous things I didn’t need but bought anyway.

A few years ago, I decided to eat everything already in my refrigerator or cabinets and not shop until they were empty.… Read more